Friday, June 6, 2008

final- # 4

The greenhouse effect is when the sun radiates solar energy on earth. The higher amount of energy is radiated back into space. (1) Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere contribute to global warming by adsorption and reflection of atmospheric and solar energy. (1) The greenhouse effect is the cause for our warming temps. Two factors that affect the greenhouse effect are the shape of Earth's orbit and its tilt with regard to the Sun. (2) Both of these change slowly over the years, when they do they alter the effects of the greenhouse.(2)


final- #6

There are three different types of plate boundaries, they are: convergent, divergent, and conservative. These plates are found at the edge of the lithospheric plates. (1) Wide zones of deformation are usually characteristic of plate boundaries because of the interaction between two plates. (1) The three boundaries are characterized by their distinct motions. (1) In a divergent boundary, or spreading center, the two plates move away from one another. As the two plates move apart, mid-oceanic ridges are created as magma from the mantle upwells through a crack in the oceanic crust and cools. (1) In a convergent plate movement the plates move together ending up on top of eachother. There are things called subduction zones, they are the location of very stong earthquakes.
Plate tectonics explain the observed evidence for large scale motions of the earth's lithosphere. (2) This theory is just like the continental drift, but they later changed the name to plate tectonics. Plate tectonics are what move the earth, so they cause foor spreading. Volcanos are not usually found around plate tectonics. (3) There is magma around them and most people would consider that a volcano but its not. Plate tectonics do in fact cause earthquakes. When the plates move it causes the earth to crack and then it forms to an earthquake.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

final- #2

A watershed is the line separating neighboring drainage basins. In hilly country, the divide lies along topographical peaks and ridges, but in flat country the divide may be invisible – just a more or less notional line on the ground on either side of which falling raindrops will start a journey to different rivers, and even to different sides of a country or continent. (1) There are three types of watersheds they are: Continental divide, Major drainage divide, and Minor drainage divide. In a continental divide the waters on each side flow to different oceans (1), In a major drainage divide the waters on each side of the divide never meet again, but do flow into the same ocean (1), and in a minor drainage divide is the waters part but eventually meet again at a river confluence (1).
These types of watershed effect what oceans get what water. A drainage basin is an extent of land where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill into a body of water, such as a river, lake, reservoir, estuary, wetland, sea or ocean. (2) This also involves the other three watersheds. When there is a watershed the water is soaked into the ground and travels to a body of water to create the water cycle. Rivers don’t need to have their water soak into the ground that water is already flowing into a larger body of water, creating a watershed. image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Before this activity i thought the weather would be getting warmer and warmer. The weather unit showed how the temp. varies depending on different days and how the cloud coverage is on different days, due to the temp and precipitation. The weather did not keep going up it varied . This unit has to do with my topic by it showing the weather and how it changes, the greenhouse effect has to do with the weather and how its changing, this project showed that the weather changes and what the cloud coverage would be. I learned that you cant always be sure of what the weather will be like there's no grantee. I also learned how much weather can vary temp. wise.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

wes D

Before this activity i didnt know much about global winds but this activity shows us that depending on which way the earth rotates the objects on the earth will move different ways. We took an index card and cut it in two different directions and twisted them opposite ways and that showed the line in which objects would move on the earths surface, indicating how water currents, and wind currents would move. This activity taught me to understand the way the winds will move depending on the way the earth moves. I know now that if the earth is turning clockwise then the wind will move counterclockwise and vise versa.

This activity doesbt really rlate to my topic because my topic is greenhouse effect and that has to do with the warming of the earth and this has to do with the global winds and what direction they move.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is the process in which the emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms the earths surface. This effects us by it causing weather changes and environmental problems. This causes many issues within the science world and even in our world. The gases are eating away at the atmosphere causing the sun rays to come in and warm things that are not meant to be warm, thus causing global warming.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

activity 4.

This activity has to do with my subject by it having to do with the greenhouse effect. The activity delt with the warming of the earth and how different things cause it to warm up differently. Like with the clouds, it caused the material to get warmer slower, and the bottles with no clouds got warmer faster. This activity showed how the gases got trapped causing fog in the bottle, and how different materials with different conditions heated up.